We serve a wide range of clients in the corporate, education and business sector.

Bristol Works
Bristol WORKS provides young people with fantastic experiences of work so they can make the best career choices. Xelium designed, support and host the website for the service area from ground up to bring employers and education providers together to inspire young people most at risk of being left behind. An innovative education, business and […]

Bristol Apprenticeship
Bristol Apprenticeship is committed to finding the best jobs for young people with Bristol City Council and supporting them all the way to the top of an exciting and challenging career. Xelium developed and continue to support the site to assist those looking to be an apprentice or as parents and teachers looking for resources.

Bristol Employment, Skills & Learning Council
Working closely with Bristol City Council’s Bristol Employment, Skills and Learning, we designed, support and host the official website for the service. The aim of the site is to deliver information on training courses both free and fee based as well as skills for work in Bristol.

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is a charity and membership body of and for blind, partially sighted or people losing their sight. We worked closely with RNIB to comply with Surf Right requirements in building accessible websites and learning environment for our clients.

We work with NHS Wales in designing their corporate learning environment for the entire National Health Services in Wales with a user base of over 90,000 people. Focusing primarily on accessibility and ease of use, the learning platform was successfully deployed with NHS Wales Informatics Service.

Bristol Post 16
Bristol Post 16 is a service that supports young people and their families to find post 16 learning and development in Bristol. Xelium worked with the Bristol City Council service area to design a site that targets specifically young people, parents/carers, education providers & young parents providing them with the help and resources.

Community Learning West
A West of England Community Learning initiative, the Community Learning West Virtual Learning Environment (a gov.uk website) was designed to support development workers, learning champions, tutors and learners in delivering community-based courses in the

Reed Learning
A provider of professional business training courses designed for companies requirement training and further professional training for their staff, Reed Learning offers over 259 training courses ranging from Management Development to Secretarial and Personal Development. Xelium designed, developed and continue to maintain, support and host the virtual learning environment for Reed Learning and its users.

Bristol Adult Learning
Working with Bristol City Council’s Adult Learning Team, we design, support and host a website for the service. As learning is in our DNA, we work with the team to promote and facilitate lifelong learning. Over work over the years include designing a Virtual Learning Environment, supporting online learning, course listing, video production, course page

Bristol Community Learning
Community Learning is a vital initiative under the umbrella of the Bristol City Council’s Employment, Skills, and Learning team. This initiative is dedicated to providing free community learning courses for residents of Bristol and North Somerset, targeting individuals with few or no qualifications, as well as adults who are unemployed and facing multiple barriers to learning
Watson Martin
A training center based in London offering human resource certification training and courses to both local and international clientele, we worked with WM in the implementation of the company’s website, live chat system, course booking system, building bespoke landing pages for various online marketing campaigns and more. We also design, build, host and support
Go Learn Community Learning Partnership
Together, the North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bristol City Councils formed the Community Learning Partnership with the aim of making a wide range of information on community learning available to the public. We worked with the authorities, 3 Local FE colleges, the WEA and over 100 partners to built a course listing site.
Dyslexia Action
Dyslexia Action is a non-profit organisation based in the UK, providing support to those affected by dyslexia and literacy difficulties, across all sectors. Xelium worked with Dyslexia Action on the development of a training platform that offers specialised training to thousands of teachers and carers.
Brighton Aldridge Community Academy
As part of a £1.6 million investment on IT to enable the academy to provide top of the range equipment for its 1300 staff and students, we worked with BACA to build a solid learning platform to deliver curriculum content, offer student council, house system, clubs and activities a home and to leverage on the investment.
Downside School
One of England’s oldest and most distinguished Catholic and Independent school with the aims of educating young people through a Christ-centered curriculum to develop as future leaders in the 21st Century. We worked with the leadership team to build an online learning platform that supports the curriculum whilst maintaining the identity of the school.
Writhlington College
A path finder and award winning academy, the college is home to over 1600 students and staff. Winner of the Excellence in Design for Teaching and Learning and the Badge of Excellence in Design for Virtual Learning, we continue to design and support the college’s VLE in conjunction with the school’s 1 to 1 access.
St. Stephen’s Primary School
An outstanding primary school with over 900 users, we build and support both the school’s learning environment as well as the website with the aim of providing a friendly, approachable and forward thinking system to serve the school and its community. We also delivered WiFi, Backbone Network and Shared Computing deployment projects in the school.
St. Mark’s Secondary School
We developed a close working relationship with all our clients. Our work with St. Mark’s include advising and working with the school to ensure that the website is in compliance with Ofsted’s Statutory Requirements for School Websites and continue to update and support the school.
St. Gregory’s Catholic College
An Outstanding Secondary School, we continue to support, host and maintain St. Gregory’s website with up to the minute information and news as well as upcoming events. The website holds the most comprehensive list of information and as with all schools, we work on meeting all Ofsted’s Statutory Requirements.
New Sixth Bath
A brand new and welcomed Sixth Form College in Bath, the New Sixth opened in 2013. We were involved in the designing, hosting and maintaining of the college’s website even before the building was completed. The website continues to draw enquiries from prospective students looking to join the school to further their studies.
and more…
Team Focus
The company offers one of the widest range of training programmes in the major personality questionnaires and are now recognised test publishers offering our own series of tests and questionnaires branded under Profiling for Success.
Watson Martin
People Practice, Management and Learning and Development training company, Watson Martin is an Approved CIPD qualification provider offering the full range of quality CIPD certificates and diplomas. The company also offers Apprenticeship, Graduate Programme and In-House training.
Aura Yoga
Independent yoga instructor and homoeopathy practitioner serving the South of Wales and beyond offering both live and zoom classes, nature walks, events, mindfulness, homoeopathy cafe and more.
Anita Moorjani
Already an established name among the likes of Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra; Anita Moorjani, the international best selling author and speaker, gave us a brief to design and support her high traffic website. The site continues to receive over 1000 hits each day.
3D Virtual Solutions
Leading virtual tour provider offering the services of creating virtual tours, 3D scans, photography including drone and time-lapse for and more.
CISC Catholic Independent Schools’ Conference
Serving the community of Catholic Independent schools in the UK to promote and celebrate the global project of catholic education
Events and Venues
An event management and venue finder agent
Little Solsbury
E-commerce website serving creative and lovingly hand-made crafts
Bailbrook Lane
E-commerce website for Digital Publisher and Book Marketing business with authors and book landing pages.
War and Love
A book by Melanie Martin and a custom designed page to promote it. The page is complete with details about the book, images and photos, testimonials and contacting the author.
and more…