In our experience, both as users and as implementers of VLEs, choosing which VLE to use can be a mine field on its own. So let us help Plan, Design, Build, Support and Fully Managed your VLE.
Off the shelf solutions, are in many ways excellent in that they provide a product that you work around and learn to use. The product has to fall in place in the overall scheme of the school’s ICT strategy
However, the use of Moodle, our preferred solution, offers wide and varying choices and is so highly customisable that it is able to be designed specifically to fit in with the school’s vision and strategy.
No two schools that we have worked with have had the ‘same’ VLE. Inherent to this customisation is the ability to build a bespoke VLE for the needs of your school.
We will help you design or work out a navigational structure appropriate and most suitable for use in your school and we will advise you on how to create a logical navigational hierarchy which is easy to use and easy to understand.
We can advise you on hosting your Moodle whether an in-house solution or a cloud server. We will take you through the pros and cons of each, providing you an impartial assessment of your school’s needs and requirements.
We also offer as standard a ‘Get you started’ VLE administration package at no additional costs when we setup a VLE for your school. This will include initial registration of users, creation of user groups, registration of users in to the relevant subjects or courses.
Further information
Moodle – the VLE of Choice [+]
Need to learn more about VLE, read our article on the advantages of a VLE [+]
For more information, contact us now.