As part of the requirements of information that must be available on school websites, the Government has made it necessary for all schools to publish a SEND Report and an Accessibility Plan online.
The SEND Report and Accessibility Plan Guideline below are based on the information detailed in “what maintained schools must publish online” and “what academies, free schools and colleges must publish online” and the requirements from
- the ‘SEN information’ specified in schedule 1 to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Statutory guidance on this is contained in paragraphs 6.79 to 6.82 of the special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years
We have looked in to the details of the requirements of the SEND Report and the School Accessibility Plan and created a pro forma that will help your school comply with the requirements to publish this report.
Details required in SEN Report and Accessibility Plan are based on a series of statements and questions. Once these are considered and answered, they should sufficiently fulfil the report requirements.
SEND Report
- What are the kinds of SEND provision at this school
- School SEND policies to identify and assess pupils with SEND
- Information on school policies about providing for SEND pupils
- how the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision
- the school’s arrangement on admissions, and assessing and reviewing pupils
- school’s approach to teaching SEND pupils
- how the curriculum and learning environment is adapted
- additional support that is available to pupils
- how the school enables pupils with SEND to engage in the activities of the school including those without SEND; steps to prevent disabled pupils for being disadvantaged
- support that is available to improve emotional, mental and social development of pupils and facilities for disabled pupils to access the school
- Name and Contact details of SEND Co-ordinator
- Details on expertise and training of staff and how specialist expertise will be secured
- How equipment and facilities for pupils with SEND will be secured
- Consulting with parents about and involving parents in the education of their child
- Consulting with young people with SEND needs and involving them in their education
- How complaints about SEND provision will be handled
- How the governing body involved other bodies (health and social services, LA, voluntary organisations) to meet needs of pupils and support families
- Contact details of support services
- School arrangements for supporting transfer between phases of education or preparation for adulthood and independent living
- Information on LA local offer
School Accessibility Plan
- How to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum
- How to improve physical environment so as to allow disabled students to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided by the school
- Improving delivery of information to disabled students that is readily accessible to other pupils
- How the school will increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum
Updated 17 April 2023